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The Engage to Change project submitted a response to Welsh Government on the 5th of March 2021 in response to their consultation.

In our response we write that we welcome the ‘Refresh of Welsh Government’s Economic Contract’. We are glad to see a strong focus on fair working conditions and particularly on creating a healthy, safe and inclusive environment. We would like to underline that inclusivity in working environments would include the environment to welcome and support people with a learning disability and/or autism as well as classic attempts to make physical environments more accessible. This applies to legal protection as well. We welcome the attention to legal rights, particularly those for equality of opportunity for people with protected characteristics, including disabilities. We hope that this would extend specifically to people with a learning disability and/or autism who may need additional accommodation in the areas of recruitment, interview practice, supervision, and in-house training if equality is to be achieved for them alongside other disabled people.


The full response can be found here in English (opens as PDF): Open File . For further questions or other formats (including Welsh translation) please contact our policy officer Grace at